Contemplative Prayer

What is Contemplative Prayer? Fr Tim offers some ways to practice Christian Contemplative Prayer, sometimes called Prayer of the Heart, which opens us to experience the presence of God through attunement to what is always already here.

meditation for Holy Week
a morning prayer liturgy for week of Mothering Sunday March 2024
A Prayer Pipe for Peace in the Holy Lands
Bless the Lord my Soul (guitar, flute, cajon and vocal)
An Invitation to Morning Prayer (Trinity Seven)

Below is the text of the Liturgy for Morning Prayer this week. Each Sunday, Fr Tim sits with the readings for the following Sunday and through a contemplation of an hour or so, the liturgy seems to appear. This flow may stop of course, but while it continues, God willing, you will find it each week here.

If you would like to come to a contemplative morning prayer, click the link 9 am weekday mornings:

Tim Ardouin’s Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 6770 3125
Passcode: 370365